Partly Facetious: the cost of doing US bidding
"We are told our cities have been purged of terrorists."
"Does that mean Balochistan...?"
"Why do you always drag in Balochistan? It's not as if the world is looking at Balochistan! They are looking for al Qaeda and that's about it. If we keep giving them some al Qaeda every few months then we are OK."
"How can you say that India refuses to deal with us..."
"And the onus seems to be entirely on our leadership it seems..."
"It's because the world now wants to be friends with India and not with us..."
"This is the casualty of doing the US' bidding."
"Indeed. And this is at a time when the world, defined as the US as far as our present leadership is concerned, needs us to continue doing their bidding."
"One can only imagine what would happen when they don't need us."
"It's not hard to imagine. Think after the nuclear blast."
"Right. But then we had one consolation. India was in the same boat as us."
"Did we get some statistics to prove that our cities have been purged of the terrorists?"
"Yes of course. 140 terrorists have been killed."
"How many of our police lost their lives?"
"Those two statistics don't add up. And how many of our security forces lost their lives while fighting the Baloch and the al Qaeda?"
"That figure was not released. That's on a need to know basis."
"Right but there must be many terrorists who are now out of action by dint of being in jail?"
"Yes around 600 foreigners and 500 sectarian terrorists have been arrested. A big achievement by any standard."
"Indeed. How many Pakistanis were extradited?"
"Don't know?"
"How many have disappeared without trial?"
"Don't know."
"How many..."
"What are you now? A human rights activist! This is Pakistan, my friend. Things are pretty much as they are expected to be."
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